How To Get Fit For Beginners

Let’s Get Fit

It is a good thing that you have decided to commit yourself to leading a healthier lifestyle. While this is a decision that many people find daunting, choosing healthy habits and staying committed to them should not be difficult. You just need to believe you can do it and you will find out how easy it can be.


Perhaps you are not sure where and how to begin getting fit. This post has provided tips on how to get fit for beginners. Read on to discover how you can start achieving your fitness goals.


The easiest way to achieve your fitness goals is having proper nutrition and engaging in regular physical activities.



Nutrition for Fitness


The Carbohydrates

While you should avoid too much sugar (because it contains a lot of fat), see to it that your meals contain enough carbohydrates to give you the energy boost you need for workouts. Carbs are usually metabolized very quickly into glucose, giving you sufficient energy.


Again eating carbs before working out will preserve your muscles and liver glycogen. They also stimulate insulin production which improves protein synthesis besides also preventing protein breakdown. It is, however, crucial that you choose the “good” unprocessed carbs which include;

  • Both Irish and sweet potatoes
  • Oats
  • All types of rice
  • Milk and yogurt,
  • Fruits and vegetables, etc.




You should have protein with every meal to give the 8 essential amino acids. Protein will help you increase and maintain your muscle size. Because you are going to be involved in a lot of physical activity, proteins are going to prevent muscle damage and ensure quick recovery to any that are damaged.


You can get your protein from such foods as;

  • Whole eggs
  • Chicken breasts
  • Lean cuts
  • Milk and its products like cheese and yogurt
  • Soy, hemp, and pea protein
  • Protein powder, among other sources.




Fat is also necessary because besides providing you with some minerals and vitamins, they even slow down digestion which in turn, maintains your insulin and blood glucose levels. However, be keen to get the right sources of fat. Examples here include fruits like avocados, seeds like the flaxseed, and nuts such as walnuts. You can also get your good fat from such oils as coconut oils, olive oil, peanut and safflower oils, and soybean oil.



How much should I eat?

Do not overfeed yourself. Always eat until you are satisfied. It is advisable to keep track of your calorie intake. Consistency is critical. Usually, if you intend to develop muscle and increase your strength, 14 to 18 calories per pound of your weight should be enough. Consume 10-12 calories if your goal is to lose weight.



Physical Activity for Fitness

You have a lot of exercise options. Such activities as gardening, biking, walking, dancing, running, doing house chores, etc. can go a long way keeping you fit. Choosing those exercises that you enjoy doing increases the chances of you making it a bit to exercise.


Consider beginning a physical activity program which will incorporate weight, strength or resistance training, cardiovascular activity, and flexibility training. It is important that you consult your doctor before beginning any cardiovascular exercises. Recruiting a personal trainer is also recommended.


Here is a sample of workouts that should get you started;


Cardiovascular Exercises

Begin with aerobic activities like running or walking for up 20 minutes, 4-5 times every week. Walking should be done at around 3 miles per hour. If the weather is not very good, you can do this on the treadmill.


Other options include elliptical trainers, jumping rope, skiing, kickboxing, swimming, and rowing.



Strength Training

Begin doing exercises that targeting the major muscle groups. Start with weights with which you can perform an activity 8-12 times in one set. Gradually increase the weights, the number of reps and sets when you realize you are capable of handling more.


Do these exercises at least two times a week. Do not work on the same part of the body for two days in a row.



Flexibility Training

Do static stretches 3-7 days every week with each stretch lasting 10-30 seconds.


Hopefully, this post has been helpful to you. Believe you can do it and use these tips to start achieving your fitness goals.